Welcome to Forfattervaerk.net!
Popular pages from my writer’s network, Forfattervaerk.net, can now be found on this page along with other services from Solaas.dk.
What are you looking for? | Choose this page |
You wish to book me for a writer’s workshop on topics of your own choosing. | Workshops |
You want an overview of all the kinds of training I offer. | Training |
You want to read reviews on books about writing and literature that will show you writing techniques in practice. | Inspiration |
You want an overview of all the kinds of reading you can find on my website. | Reading |
You wish to find links for websites on litterature. | Links to literature |
You want an overview of helpful links to this website and other websites. | Useful links |
You are looking for publishers in Denmark and some advice on choosing. Note: The advice is in English, but the list of publishers is in Danish. | List of publishers |
You are looking for writing courses – in Danish. | Writing courses |
You wish to read free e-books – in Danish. | Free e-books |
You want an overview of everything my website offers in English. | Guide |